Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Just myself

Typically when I am told to write an essay I think of a boring essay that isn’t allowed to have any fun to it. I would most likely think that in this essay, except for the fact this essay is about me. Now if I were asked to sum myself up in one word I would probably say supercalifragilelisticexpalidousish, but unfortunately no one knows what that word even means. So thankfully I was given a whole five paragraphs to sum myself up rather than one word. Throughout my life I have observed many things about myself. One of the many things that help sum me up is the things I have noticed about the way I act. Another thing that help sums me up is my likes and dislikes. The next thing out of many other things that sums me up is my friends and family. So now I will try to sum the fifteen years of my life in next four paragraphs.
Now to start off with summing myself up is the things I have noticed about myself. One thing I have noticed about myself is how tend to be a comical person. Throughout my life I have tended to try to make situations that might not have been funny to where it was funny. Often times when I am with my friends whether or not if I am trying to make a joke ninety-nine percent of the time I do. Some of the situations I wouldn’t call joke but funny mistakes. One time last year when I was sitting in history (a.k.a one of the boring classes ever) I was joking around with my teacher. Then he told me that he wanted to show me an old trick he learned back in high school. So me being my gullible self I let him try it on me. Next he put his hands on my ears and told me that this will not hurt at all. Then he pulled up and I didn’t feel any pain but I did feel me having to rip a fart at that moment. Whenever he let go of me and I hit the chair I let out one of the biggest farts I ever have. My friend and myself were laughing and luckily for me our table was the only table that heard it. Although that comical moment was completely accident my life always seems to be filled with comical moments. Another major thing I have noticed about myself is I tend to be competitive. Sometime I fill like a little kid when I am competitive. Often I will find myself trying to argue my point even though I know I am wrong. Also I will be over competitive with my ten year old sister over small things.
The next big thing that help sums me up is my likes and dislikes. One place to start with would be sports. Sports are about half my life. One of the sports I like is basketball. This year I played basketball with two organizations. Every summer I play the castle rock three on three basketball tournament and won it last year and the year before that. The year before that was by default because we were the only team, but usually I don’t tell people that we were the only team. My favorite college basketball team is the UCLA bruins. My favorite professional team would be the Utah Jazz. Another sport that I like is golf. Many people when they here golf they think of Tiger Woods. I believe that Tiger Woods is a great player but my favorite player is Phil Mikelson. In the summer I play golf about every other day. Some other sports I like are soccer, baseball, and football. While from those sports my favorite teams are the Yankees, Falcons, and the salt lake real. Another one of my likes is watching movies. When my brother still lived in town we would rent movies every weekend and have movie parties with our friends. Now one of my dislike is doing chores. Now every teen would probably say also this but I don’t have too many dislike so this one tops them all.
Then the last thing that help sums me all up is my friends and family. Whenever I am around my friends and family the help bring out the best of me. All of my best memories and experiences has been when I am around my friends and family. When my family and myself went camping with my cousins in Victoria Canada I was walking with my brother and my older cousins. While we were walking I pulled out my gameboy and started to play it while we were still walking. While we were crossing a bridge about ten feet tall I was so caught up into my gameboy that I walked right off the bridge and fell into a big rose bush. Ever since that experience my family and myself always laugh and talk about that day. With my friends we always hang out and have good times together. Just this last spring break I went to mesquite with one of my best friends where we built many memories together.
All in all these are a few of many things to sum me up. Not only by the things I have noticed about the way I act. Also another thing that help sums me up is my likes and dislikes. The last thing out of many other things that sums me up is my friends and family. Instead of summing myself up in one or two words I hope that now there is a lot more to know about me.